Our programs will take you through education that teaches you HOW to THINK about exercise and make decisions based on what is best for your body.

Imagine being able to identify exactly where you could be weak and where you could be strong and then apply tactics with confidence to go in there and change your outcomes on your own.

Students can make exercise better WITHOUT...

- buying any new gadgets,

- owning any more equipment, 

- getting a trainer 

- or relying on YouTube videos of complete strangers who can’t help you personalize your unique journey.

This school's goal is to empower you with education you can apply immediately so that you can be in control of your exercise and create the best experience for your body and help you move beyond old injuries, and tightness. 

Strong. Balanced. Disruptive.

In a world where the vastly overwhelming exercise industry exists to entertain us and drain your wallets, this school's goal is to inspire resilience and autonomy. 

"Jennifer really takes the time and energy to evaluate the whole individual and their body's story. She has an incredible knowledge of muscles, body function, and movement patterns. "

- MeLanie M (MD)

Meet your instructor

Hello, I’m Jennifer.

I’ve worked my entire career to build a brand of fitness that encourages and equips you to being adaptable in all stages of life.  

From winning at injury recovery (that your doctor may have told you was hopeless), to thriving beyond your fitness goals - my mission is the next logical step in your out-of-the-box movement journey. Personally I have avoided orthopedic surgeries and want to help other people do the same by taking care of their joints and nervous system.

Preventing injuries and staying in the fitness mentality for the long-game means you have to learn to feel your movement and improve your mind-muscle knowledge. Learning our exercise sequences and execution skills will change the way you exercise and surely impact your fitness!

You can learn more about Jennifer through her podcast network and website.